Homenagem às Tripulações Salva-Vidas de Ferragudo

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Contact Homenagem às Tripulações Salva-Vidas de Ferragudo

Address :

R. Infante Santo 91, Ferragudo, Portugal

Categories :
City : Ferragudo

R. Infante Santo 91, Ferragudo, Portugal
Constantino Maria Almeida on Google

Local espectacular para apreciar a enseada do rio Arade, onde se avista uma parte da urbe de Portimão
Spectacular place to enjoy the Arade River inlet, where you can see part of the city of Portimão
Antonia Rodrigues on Google

Local muito bonito e calmo para férias.
Very beautiful and quiet place for holidays.
Philippe ANDREU on Google

Très beau, très joli site, très belle vue sur l'ensemble du port ⚓, ses activités touristiques ou pro, les gros comme les tout petits bateaux. Tout un quai avec tout plein de restau ?, pour tout les bourses. Ça sent (pour ma part) très très bon le poisson grillé. Nous, nous sommes allés visiter l'association "Wildwatch", qui lutte pour la protection de la faune et flore marine ? : mammifères ?, poissons ? (petits et gros ?), tortues ?... et contre (si possible) la pollution et la pêche intensive, voire sauvage ou déraisonnée. Un message qui m'a plu, j'y suis sensible donc pas tout à fait impartial. Voilà pourquoi je me suis rendu chez eux.
Very beautiful, very pretty site, very beautiful view on the whole port ⚓, its tourist activities or pro, big as the very small boats. A whole dock with plenty of restaurants for all budgets. It smells (for my part) very very good grilled fish. We, we went to visit the association "Wildwatch", which fights for the protection of the marine fauna and flora ?: mammals ?, fish ? (small and big ?), turtles ? ... and against (if possible) the pollution and intensive fishing, even wild or unreasonable. A message that I liked, I am sensitive to it so not quite impartial. That's why I went to their house.
Alphons van der Leeuw on Google

Gemoedelijk, vriendelijk en behulpzaam. Dit is het échte Portugal. Veel visrestaurantjes waar je tot s’avonds terecht kunt om te genieten van hun kwaliteiten. Het enige wat jammer is dat je met de camper niet meer mag overnachten op het stuk grond waar altijd de campers stonden met uitzicht op het water. Nu wordt je neergezet op het ongezellige parkeerterrein bij het congrescentrum of nog erger, bij de Lidl. Ver van het gezellige centrum af dus!!!! Gemeente doe hier iets aan!!!
Friendly, friendly and helpful. This is the real Portugal. Many fish restaurants where you can go until the evening to enjoy their qualities. The only pity is that you are no longer allowed to spend the night on the piece of land where the campers were always overlooking the water. Now you are put down at the uninviting car park at the convention center or worse, at the Lidl. Far from the cozy center so !!!! Municipality do something about this !!!
Paulo Costa on Google

Homenagem às Tripulações Salva-Vidas de Ferragudo Homenagem às Tripulações Salva-Vidas de Ferragudo, Lagoa, é um monumento. Homenagem às Tripulações Salva-Vidas de Ferragudo está situada a oeste de Vale da Canada, perto de Igreja de São Sebastião ou Antiga.
Tribute to Ferragudo Lifeboats Homage to the Lifeboats of Ferragudo, Lagoa, is a monument. Homage to the Ferragudo Life-Saving Crews is located west of Vale da Canada, close to Igreja de São Sebastião or Antiga.
Martial GIROUD-ARGOUD on Google

Enfin de l'urbanisation maîtrisée ... Les petites ruelles autour de l'église sont adorables ... en avril !! Aller jusqu'à la plage très reposante Bref à visiter en flânant
Finally, mastered urbanization ... The little alleys around the church are adorable ... in April !! Go to the very relaxing beach Brief to visit while strolling
Leo Nobel on Google

Hiermit ist offenbar dieses "Denkmal", welches u. a. einen Anker beinhaltet, gemeint. Keine Ahnung, was es für eine Bedeutung hat!? Dann stehen dort noch 2 Bänke zum gemütlichen Niederlassen. Tatsache ist, dass es sich am Ende des begehbaren Kais in Ferragudo befindet, von wo man einen wahrlich tollen Blick auf die andere Seite des Arade, auf Teile der Stadt Portimāo, das farbige Hotel Tivoli und den großen Jachthafen hat.
This is obviously this "monument", which u. a. meant an anchor meant. No idea what it means! ? Then there are still 2 benches to sit down comfortably. The fact is that at the end of the walk-through wharf in Ferragudo, you have a truly great view of the other side of the Arade, parts of the city of Portimão, the colorful Tivoli Hotel and the large marina.
Just Man on Google

Interesting place.

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